狐の噂(A Rumor of Foxes)

風はこぶ香りに 夢うつつの花都

恋焦がれるの 葛の葉を抱きながら



いつか訪る 君のこと想いながら


山桜咲く細道 幻の道

川のほとり聞こえるは 一つ鶯






夢の話 嘘の話

夢の話 雲の上の噂話

The wind’s scent carries the memory of vibrant, dream-like city

Yearning for the one who disappeared,

Holding Kuzunoha in my arms


I buried the shining golden nut beneath the snow,

Thinking of the day when you would come 


A narrow mountain path where the wild cherries bloom, just an illusion 

That chirping by the river is a warbler

And the vision peaking through the hole in the stone lantern,
A bride and groom from some far off day


Maybe we could have fallen in love,
Had we met some other time and place 

But it’s just a tale within a dream
A tale within a dream, everything a dream 

A rumor of a dream above the clouds