

Somewhere between words and sounds you find their world. It might go by fleetingly …




ephemeron is a voice and guitar duo based in Japan. Numao and Ito effortless weave together the sounds of their respective instruments. Rather than falling into the standard pattern of voice being accompanied by guitar, they share melodies and blur the lines of what you expect of each instrument. Despite this complexity of the music, their soft and “ephemeral” sound will relax those listening and invite them into a calm and meditative state.



ephemeron’s first single has been digital released in December, 2023. It’s available on music streaming services.


ephemeron’s second single has been digital released in January, 2024. It’s available on music streaming services.

ライブ情報 Gig info

6/7 Fri. 本の栞

ephemeron × 畑下マユ

沼尾 翔子 Shoko Numao 

伊藤 シュンペイ Shunpei Ito